Position statement: Voice to Parliament referendum


As the national peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ageing and aged care in Australia, NATSIAACC believes that having an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice enshrined in Australia’s Constitution is critical to addressing the health and wellbeing inequalities that continue to devastate Australia’s First Nations peoples. NATSIAACC’s position statement is available in full here: NATSIAACC Voice position statement … Read More

Submission: Draft principles – Aged Care Taskforce


The Aged Care Taskforce is reviewing funding arrangements for aged care, and developing options for a system that is fair and equitable for everyone in Australia. The Taskforce recently sought feedback on a set of proposed Principles to inform this work. NATSIAACC has developed feedback, based on research and engagement with NATSIAACC members. NATSIAACC’s submission, in summary is essentally that … Read More

Submission: A new model for regulating aged care


NATSIAACC has developed a submission regarding the proposed new model to regulate aged care. This submission was based on research and engagement with NATSIAACC members. NATSIAACC makes the following recommendations: We recommend that cultural safety is incorporated end-to-end in the new regulatory model, and as a core element. We recommend that further flexibility for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander providers … Read More

Submission: Exposure Draft to set up Inspector-General of Aged Care


The Federal Government recently sought feedback on the Exposure Draft of a Bill to set up the Inspector-General of Aged Care.  NATSIAACC is advocating that the Inspector-General of Aged Care role be set up in ways that best support a culturally safe and revamped aged care system, with new complaints and quality assurance processes.   In NATSIAACC’s view, the Exposure Draft … Read More

Our Care, Our Way, Our Future 5 year Plan


This is a five-year strategy, demonstrating how a new Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander aged care system could be established, with 8 priorities for reform.

Members Charter


This document outlines the principles of membership, code of conduct, obligations, and communication protocol.

NATSIAACC Constitution


Click here to download the NATSIAACC Constitution.

NAGATSIAC response to Royal Commission


This document is the NAGATSIAC response to the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety Counsel Assisting’s final submissions. The response relates to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ aged care. Published November 2020 Click here to download the response.  

Navigating ‘conflict of interest’ issues in thin markets


Click here to download Navigating ‘conflict of interest’ issues in thin markets Published October 2020 The Commonwealth Government perceives a conflict of interest occurring in instances where Aboriginal community controlled organisations (ACCOs) provide aged care assessments to Aboriginal Elders and, subsequently, also provide aged care services to the same Elders. This may include ACCOs directly referring Elders to their own … Read More

Our Care Our Way: Background paper


Click here to download the Background Paper. Published April 2020 The purpose of this paper is to articulate the perspective of the NAGATSIAC on how the aged care system redesign, currently underway by the Commonwealth Government, can incorporate mechanisms and policies that would: improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians’ access to appropriate aged care services provide safeguards within the … Read More