Submission: Draft principles – Aged Care Taskforce


The Aged Care Taskforce is reviewing funding arrangements for aged care, and developing options for a system that is fair and equitable for everyone in Australia.

The Taskforce recently sought feedback on a set of proposed Principles to inform this work. NATSIAACC has developed feedback, based on research and engagement with NATSIAACC members.

NATSIAACC’s submission, in summary is essentally that the funding of the aged care system needs to acknowledge the diversity of older people and their health and wellbeing needs. The Principles for funding the aged care system need to demonstrate that there is scope to include elements that are important to people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, such as identity, kinship, Country or Island Home, totems, lore and spirituality. 

Furthermore, we know that the Stolen Generations are largely now over 50 years of age, and therefore, now eligible for aged care services. While Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people do not have the same level of health and life expectancy and other Australians, people of the Stolen Generations are more likely to have even poorer health and socioeconomic outcomes. These issues must be addressed urgently. 

To address the gaps and disadvantage, we must increase the numbers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people receiving culturally safe support and care in their older years. The future funding and sustainability of the aged care system must support this goal and align with the broader context of the National Agreement and the Health Plan, and also be consistent with the recommendations of the Royal Commission. 

The full submission is available here: Aged Care Taskforce – Draft Principles – NATSIAACC submission