Submission: Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards Guidance Material


NATSIAACC is advocating for the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards Guidance Materials to acknowledge and support the unique needs of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and support them to remain connected to their culture, family and community while providing a culturally safe and appropriate aged care.

NATSIAACC consulted with its Members which are largely aged care providers to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people as well as other health and aged care peak organisations and stakeholders.

Click here to download a copy of NATSIAACC’s submission.

NATSIAACC’s recommendations to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission are:

  • The Guidance Material include reference to both ‘Country’ and ‘Island Home’.
  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission engage NATSIAACC to assist with incorporating the Cultural Safety Definition into the Guidance Materials.
  • Funding NATSIAACC to assist with the co-design and development of resources.
  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission funds NATSIAACC to support the co-design process to develop examples of the varied options available to genuinely meet the health and wellbeing needs of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, as well as the requirements of the new Aged Care Quality Standards.
  • Further engagement and co-design with Aged Care Providers and older people on how to best meet the requirements associated with advisory committees or similar, including whether exemptions or substitute arrangements should apply.
  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission develop a condensed version with a high-level table and links to relevant sections to allow the audience to find useful information quickly.
  • Developing seperate Guidance Material for home and residential care to make it easier for the audience to identify the most relevant content.
  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission to ensure that the Guidance Material use plain English and be provided in mutiple translated formats.
  • Have the Guidance Materials also available in an audio format (including translations) to provide support to those who are visually impaired, or those who prefer auditory information delivery.
  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission should consider both web-based and printable formats of the Guidance Materials.
  • Additional support for providers in the form of sufficient transition time to adequately prepare, funding for transition, additional resources to support implementation, and fully funded training, including funding for agency staff backfill while workers are attending training.
  • Fund and support for Aged Care Providers to train staff (including backfill) and implement the systems and policies to give effect to the requirements of the new Aged Care Quality and Safety Standards.
  • Worker training should be available in relevant languages and delivered in community to reduce the burden of extensive travel for staff and in a culturally safe and appropriate way for workers.
  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission provides additional resources, supports and tools to the workforce to fulfil their obligations under the new Aged Care Quality and Safety Standards.
  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission fund training for unpaid community board members so they can receive Governance Training and training on their obligations under the new Aged Care Quality and Safety Standards.
  • The development of user-friendly printable templates and tools that are accessible on currently available software systems.
  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission engage and fund NATSIAACC to assist with the co-design and development of templates and tools to meet provider’s needs.