National Aged Care Provider Conference

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission are hosting the National Aged Care Provider Conference in Melbourne at the Melbourne Conference and Exhibition Centre on 29th and 30th July 2025.

The Conference is aimed at engaging with aged care providers as we navigate the changes to rights and regulation in aged care under the new Aged Care Act. During the Conference, participates will hear from the new Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission Commissioner, Liz Hefren-Webb, the Complaints Commissioner, Department of Health and Aged Care, Commission representatives, older people and providers across the sector.

The Conference is open to providers of residential care, home care, Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) services, and National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program (NATSIFACP) services.

There is a preliminary program on their website outlining the program for the 2-day event with exhibitions, networking opportunities and a conference dinner.

You can see more details about this amazing conference and to register on their websit below. The Conference is limited to 1,000 people, so register now for this exciting opportunity.

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Event Date:

29 Jul 9:00 am - 30 Jul 11:00 pm

Melbourne Conference and Exhibition Centre